P A —PA 0420 - 10/30/86
P 2—P20420 - 10/30/86
P 3—P30420 - 12/09/86
P 4—P40420 - 07/08/86
P 5—P50420 - 12/15/86
P 6—P60420 - 12/15/86
P 7—P70420 - 06/29/87
P 8—P80420 - 01/26/88
P 9—P90420 - 01/30/92
P10—P10126 - 02/09/07
P 4 & P 9 were not issued
P 3 - P 5 - P 6 issued in one week
Each home has a date of manufacture on a metal plaque attached to the house, which should be close to the install date.
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